Pyautogui, a module to automate keyboard and mouse function

pyautogui is a python module to automate keyboard and mouse actions. I found this very interesting and creepy too ! :). Here are few things to đź“ť note, ...

July 7, 2019 Â· 1 min

Exploring Digital Signatures

Notes on Digital Signatures using openssl Here is a short blog post on digital signatures and how public and private key works. ...

June 4, 2019 Â· 2 min

FolderPaths and FilesNames - PowerShell

FolderPaths and FilesNames - PowerShell Loading folder path and filenames manually gives many errors. Spaces, spelling, different file paths and many others add to these. One way to avoid this is to allow the user to choose the path and filenames. Unless these are some predefined file/folderpaths which are static everywhere. In this blog post two PowerShell functions will be defined for this purposes. Folder Path This script will create a pop-up window to select folder path. ...

May 27, 2019 Â· 1 min

Qualys API basics

Basics of Qualys API Introduction Qualys has published a detailed guide on using API. Primarily this blog will concentrate on “cURL” and “PowerShell” as the scripting language to query the API. Note on API limits: Qualys has applied rate limit on API calls based on subscription. Reading API limit is easy, look for X-Powered-By header in http-reponse headers, X-RateLimit-Limit: API calls limit X-RateLimit-Window-Sec:/60*60" hrs. Ex: if “X-RateLimit-Limit: 100” “X-RateLimit-Window-Sec: 86400”\ Then, ...

May 27, 2019 Â· 3 min

RDP MitM Demo

Pre-Requisites We need three virtual machines to recreate this attack. I used virtual box to setup these virtual machines. All three machines must be on same subnet. ...

May 21, 2019 Â· 1 min