In this blog post wifi-pineapple will be used to capture WPA2 handshake on 5GHz access point. Atheros based chipset is used in Wifi pineapple.

Currently, there are no modules in wifi pineapple which automate WPA2 handshake capture for 5Ghz range.Manually we can capture 5Ghz handshakes with small changes to settings.

By default, airmon-ng enables monitor mode on 2.4Ghz channels.
Change 2.4Ghz channel to a 5Ghz channel.

Verify if this change is applied. Then run airodump-ng on required 5Ghz channel and capture the handshake.


  • enable monitor mode (airmon-ng start “card”)
  • Change car channel to a 5Ghz channel (iwconfig “interface” channel “channel number”)
  • Run airodump-ng on given channel (airodump-ng “interface” –channel “channel number”

WPA Handshake on 5GHz using Wifi Pineapple tetra.